ABS releases statement on brachytherapy services during COVID-19 pandemic
In response to recent actions regarding the delay of elective surgical procedures amid the unprecedented demands that COVID-19 is putting on our medical system, the American Brachytherapy Society feels compelled to issue the following clarifications.
Brachytherapy procedures for cervical cancer patients should not be delayed under any circumstances for patients not displaying COVID-19 symptoms. In certain cases, it may be advisable for prostate cancer patients to delay brachytherapy treatment should they fall into established high-risk factors for COVID-19 and/or when treatment requires extended travel.
In all cases, however, patients who have begun cancer treatment, including brachytherapy, and who are not displaying COVID-19 symptoms should complete their treatment. Delaying prostate brachytherapy may be appropriate for low and favorable intermediate risk patients. However, for higher risk patients undergoing a combination of external beam radiation and brachytherapy there should be no delay.